I’ve always wondered these two things: Why am I here, and why is life so hard?
So, naturally the question arises in my mind: What if the answer to both of these is the same?
Life has never been a picnic…for me, or anyone else. So why should I assume at some point, God is going to sit up, and say, “Oh no, what have I done in so-and-so’s life? Let me fix this right away!” He then would shuffled a bunch of papers on his heavenly desk, send a couple emails, make a few phone calls, and then sit back with his cup of coffee, emphatically stating, “I’m glad I got that all fixed. Crisis averted.”
As laughable as this scenario may seem, I believe we humans think this every day, all day long. Perhaps some more than others, but you get the picture.
It’s shocking to think that there is this slight possibility that we walked into this life knowing subconsciously that trouble would always be waiting for us, and there was really nothing we could do about it.
But when we answer the questions above, I find the answer is indeed the same to both of them. We are here, because we need to experience a hard life. Why? Because without a difficult life, we would not grow spiritually.
And then, what would be the purpose of this life, if it were not to grow or evolve in some way? What good is it to go through all the effort to come to earth, and then, not gain anything from the experience? Life is hard enough. At least we can get something out of it, if we try.
So, the next time you’re shaking your fist at God because your kid hates you, your husband does not seem to love you anymore, and your outside umbrella is facing head down on your back porch after a frustrating morning out and about, just breathe deep and remember: one day, you will look back on all of this, from a divine perspective, and laugh. You will say to yourself: “All of that anguish, and it didn’t change a thing. I’m glad I finally learned to accept that life is what it is. The only element about my life I can truly change is my perspective.”
Then, hopefully you can sit back on the clouds and thank the Creator that you survived it all. And now you get to live in Paradise forever.
Sounds like a good deal to me.